Thursday, August 25, 2011

Photo of the day, #198

Hint: This can be found indoors
Hey there! Today's thingamajig might have been used for spanking back in the day. Correct me if I'm wrong, but nowadays, parents don't usually spank their kids.  Kids do need discipline, but there is no need to use force. That being said, this is not a weapon. This is a very common household item. Some of you may even use this on a daily basis. What is it? 


  1. A dough roller, or whatever you want to call it.

  2. D; Tis is difficult!

  3. Firstly, day 198, typo there on the title!

    Secondly, I think wooden paddle thing, kitchen use right? Not that I'd know anything about spanking. Or kitchens. Wait...

  4. I'm going to guess a wooden spoon, that's what my parents used on me.

  5. Wooden spoon. My mom broke one on my butt as a kid.
    And hey I noticed your getting close to #200! Is the 200th photo of the day gonna be a special one?

  6. rolling pin? but that's more for domestic violence.

  7. It's bamboo. I'm pretty sure of that. A "wooden" spoon, maybe.

  8. Big old spoon!

    I was hit as a kid, I grew up fine.

  9. Use a package of manderins. It leaves no bruises, but teaches them who is boss. Just kidding. I am against any form of violence.
    The picture could be a spoon.
