Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Photo of the day, #316

Hint: it's could be used indoors or outdoors
Happy Two-sday! Like last Tuesday, I got two photos for you to guess. I was thinking about cancelling "Twos-day." Most of you just guess the one photo, anyway. What do you think? Do you like Two-sdays, where I feature two photos instead of the usual one? Do you even care?

The first photo is an easy one. I don't think you need any more hints. 


  1. I like two-sdays because I can use all the extra points I can find.

    This photo looks like the strings of a tennis racket.

  2. I love having two to guess on Tuesday! My favorite day for your blog cus it's twice as fun!! lol

    As for this one though... I have no idea what it is....

  3. I like two-twos-day!

    My guess: Guitar

  4. I always answer both.

    It's a tennis racket.

  5. Uhm. Is it a tennis racket?

    As far as "two-sday", maybe you'd get people to see them all if you joined them to one post. Like "Photos of the day 316 & 317". And I like it, but I also understand if you get rid of it. It makes sense if people aren't taking advantage of it.

  6. a badminton racket?

    and twos-days are fine with me. :D

  7. A volleyball net? Idk I'm the worst at guessing games.

  8. I care, but most of the time they're kind of hard, and I check early in the morning, so my brain can't reach the plethora of possibilities an image holds D:

  9. i like twos-days!! i would guess on all of them everyday...if only my life would allow me time online everyday...

    my guess is a tennis racket!!

  10. >.< That doesn't look so easy to me.. :/
    And omg yes Shutterbug!! Keep two'sday!! Double the fun, remember?? D: !!!

    Okay so this thingamajig looks like strings on a guitar to me. It could also be >.< a racket of some sort?
