Thursday, June 16, 2011

Photo #130 Revealed

It was a pumice stone.

For those of you that are kind of dumbfounded by this thingamajig, let me explain. This is used to get rid of your calluses and corns on the bottom of your feet. To use this, soak your feet in some hot water and rub the stone over those spots. And it will leave you with soft, sexy feet! ;)


  1. LOOOOOL that's the weirdest tool ever o.o

  2. I think I was fairly close, for a guy :) TOUGH ONE! Girl, you're getting good!

  3. I was damn positive it wasn't a pumice stone because it looked blue and I had never seen it blue. I lost a point!

  4. yours looks pretty dirty, you must use it a lot.

  5. *poker face*

    you know what guys do with their callouses? NOTHING!

    (....walks away like a boss.)

  6. Huh... Somehow I managed to get this one right! I have to admit that I was a little stumped at first with it too.
